Reliable Accident & Critical Illness Insurance

Accident and Critical Illness Insurance can be all that stands between your family and financial ruin when unexpected problems come up. Learn more below or contact Stan today for more information on how to protect your family in the event of the unexpected.

More Likely to Suffer from Critical Illness

Most Americans are unaware that they are five times more likely to suffer from a critical illness than to die before retirement. Current statistics suggest that 1 in 3 women is likely to have cancer prior to reaching the age of 70. These illnesses are unexpected, and the longer it takes to recover, the more the expenses add up.

Standard health insurance does not always cover all the extended costs of a long-term illness. It isn’t just the medical bills that add up. There is the time off of work, the mortgage and other bills that pile up, and other expenses, including travel to clinics and deductibles.

Critical Care insurance will help cover the expenses you have by paying you cash when you need it the most.

The Number Two Cause of Death

Accidents are the number two cause of death in America. However, they cause even more injuries than deaths. When most people think of an “accident,” they think of being injured in a vehicle.

However, accidents with farm equipment, hand tools, or other home situations can be just as hazardous and actually happen more frequently. While your medical needs may be mostly covered by your health insurance, there are other costs that are not. Your health insurance will likely have a deductible that needs to be paid.

Health insurance also often has a percentage coverage, and you are responsible for the other portion (for example, insurance pays 80%, and you owe 20%). Also, you will most likely have recovery time, which means time off from work. How will you pay your bills?

Accident insurance helps to cover all the expenses you have by paying you cash per injury.